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Rambo Barbell
Dec 20, 20247 min read
The Strength Limit: How Strong Can You Get?
Take a random sample of lifters, whether Powerlifting or Olympic Weightlifting or Bodybuilding or CrossFitters or etc., and you'll see a...
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Rambo Barbell
Dec 5, 20249 min read
A Guide to Your First (or next) Powerlifting Meet
Yo. Knees strong, arms are strong. There's an empty belly. Someone vomit on the platform already... (to the tune of Lose Yourself by...
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Rambo Barbell
Dec 3, 20244 min read
Lifting & Alcohol: Choose Your Difficult
Recovery. More recovery = More progress. Less recovery = Less progress. This may seem simple but I'll just flat out say it - if you're...
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Rambo Barbell
Nov 27, 202414 min read
Grow Your Squat! Examining Joe & Ethan's Training
The number of Powerlifters and Olympic Weightlifters that have squats that haven't budged in a year or longer is shocking. Do you not...
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Rambo Barbell
Nov 25, 20244 min read
Peaking Strategy & How to Make More Gains
Peaking is the final phase of a training cycle where an athlete’s body is primed to perform at its maximum potential for a short window...
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Rambo Barbell
Oct 24, 20248 min read
Technical Efficiency & Variation
Becoming great at any endeavor follows surprisingly very similar systems. As a lifelong guitarist, learning music has always been an area...
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Rambo Barbell
Oct 22, 20246 min read
Choosing your Powerlifting Federation
If you go to Open Powerlifting ( ) you'll quickly learn there's over 40 active powerlifting federations in the...
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Rambo Barbell
Dec 1, 20225 min read
Four Keys to Building an UNSTOPPABLE Deadlift
Jon Pall Sigmarrson yelled " There is no reason to be alive if you can't do deadlift." It's so thrilling watching anyone give their all...
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Rambo Barbell
Nov 17, 202211 min read
Handling Returning to Training & Time Off
Naturally, we all have to take some time off from training or miss a day here and there because of life now and then - whether because of...
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Rambo Barbell
Oct 13, 20229 min read
Breaking through sticking points in the Squat & Training
You must find and break the weak point that's creating the sticking point. It’s time to analyze where things are going wrong in the squat...
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Rambo Barbell
Jun 11, 20221 min read
Strong Athletes are Healthy Athletes
The definition of an athlete is very subjective and dependent on one’s favorite sport(s), but if we were to break down the definition...
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Rambo Barbell
Nov 13, 20203 min read
Secret ways of building a MONSTER bench press
Here are five key ways of building a bench press that I'm sure you've heard but lacked the strength to obey ;) These even apply to other...
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Rambo Barbell
Sep 10, 20203 min read
Monkey See Monkey Do - Mirroring and why coach unfollowed SEVERAL accounts on social media...
"I've been imitated so well I've heard people copy my mistakes." -Jimi Hendrix Our team moves pretty dang great as a whole. We take a...
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Rambo Barbell
Sep 1, 20208 min read
Clarking, Fung-shway, and Your Brain is Not Broken
Ken Clark was an awesome US weightlifter in the 80s. He won 6 Nationals, competed at the World Championships, and even competed at the...
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Rambo Barbell
Jul 16, 20203 min read
When am I ready for my first (or next) competition?
When should you compete? This is a great question and it regularly comes up at the gym. I'll try to cut to the chase. You're ready to...
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Rambo Barbell
Mar 30, 202011 min read
Squats are fun and so is this long article... Don't read it if you don't want to grow your Squat.
You're brand new to lifting. Your coach throws you into squatting everyday. It works really great for the first month, and then things...
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Rambo Barbell
Mar 25, 20203 min read
What Champs Do.
It's March 24, 2020. Since I made the decision to temporarily close the gym due to the pandemic, I lent out barbells, plates, bands, etc....
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Rambo Barbell
Jun 24, 20193 min read
Training Technique or Strength? Train both.
Deciding to spend time training only technique or only strength is a dangerous game to play. There's an old saying "if you're not...
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Rambo Barbell
May 23, 20193 min read
How Bad Do You Want It
My High School football coach used to give a motivational talk to the team on every Thursday night after practice before games. It was...
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Rambo Barbell
May 9, 20192 min read
Levels of Weightlifting
Weightlifting can be broken down into different levels or standards. Based on your current abilities, you can qualify for Olympic...
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